Tag Archive | hardcore

Festa Major de Gràcia 2017

FM La Jove de Gràcia 2017: Ara i sempre resistint



Festes de Gràcia al Bar Laila ’17

Festa Major de Gràcia al carrer Perla 2017

Festa Major Popular de Gràcia – 2017


Festes Majors Llibertàries de la Vila de Gràcia 2017


Festival Raices & Cultura a Les Festes De Gracia


The Slingshots + Shirley Davis = Blackcelona Rovira Experience


El Polvorí [Festes de Gràcia 2017]


Festes (A) Gràcia


Festigàbal 2017 (Festes de Gràcia)


Puro Traqueteo: The Rigodonians & El Sonido de Veldá


Error! Fest 2017 a les Festes de Gràcia

Las Furias en La Festa Major de Gràcia (Barcelona)





One Step Ahead – Hinter Fassaden Interview


Redstar73 Blog: Please can you introduce your band. When it was started? What about your name?
One Step Ahead: We are ONE STEP AHEAD from the small Saxon town Limbach-Oberfrohna. We were founded at the end of 2010 and are playing hardcore-punk. Before that we played in various other bands and were and still are active in political and subcultural groups for a while. Half a year ago our bass player dropped out and since then two friends of us helped us out on our concerts and played bass. It was difficult for us to find a good and suitable name for our band at the beginning.
There is a song called ‘One Step Ahead’ by the band ‘Guerilla’, which we liked very much (especially content-wise), so we named our band after it.

Redstar73 Blog: You are going to release your new album soon. Please tell us about it.
One Step Ahead: Our album called ‘Hinter Fassaden’ will be released as vinyl and download in a few months by the record labels RiotBike Records and Streetwar Records. It is a consistently political album and we hope the music is a bit diversified. The songs show the whole history of our band because some of them we wrote five years ago and others were completed just before the recording. Thematically our songs are primarily about the strengthening of reactionary and fascist powers since the rise of PEGIDA in Germany and the related changes in society. As well we try to point out problems in our own scene so other people reconsider their own acting. In the song ‘Ihre Fassaden’ we say that we do not need right-wing tendencies in the punk- and hardcore-scene and that we do not tolerate merchandise from R.A.C. or right-wing bands on our shows. We definitely wonder how the reactions on the album will be and we can hardly await to hold the result in our hands.

Redstar73 Blog: What other releases have you done so far?
One Step Ahead: The album ‘Hinter Fassaden’ is actually our first album after five years. In 2011 we released our first demo on CD-R and after that we were in studio to record some songs for various Samplers. Two years ago we burnt all of our previous records on a CD and distributed it to the people for donation on our shows. We made two different versions of this CD – the ‘Riot Dogs’n’Cops’ version and the ‘Clench ya fist’ version. Both versions differ only because we liked the idea that people can decide which design they like the most personally.

Redstar73 Blog: How important is for you the DIY idea and politics?
One Step Ahead: Punk is not business. But unfortunately the reality is different. Booking agencies are growing more and more, there are huge salaries for famous bands or reunions of ‘punk legends’, which seemingly have no longer a connection to the scene. And those determine the image of bigger punk concerts or events. In our opinion the idea of DIY is one of the most important in the punk-scene and that’s the reason why we always like to play at solidarity concerts. But politics are very important for us as well. We really like it when concerts run under a political context or when there are some antifascist information points. We think punkrock can only come along with an antifascist self-concept. All too often right-wing tendencies were able to spread? under the mantle of the non-political inside the scene.

Redstar73 Blog: What are your plans for the future?
One Step Ahead: Well at the moment we have no concrete plans for the future.
As a start we want to make our upcoming record public and want to move around a little bit.
In 2017 we would like to make another tour and also play some international concerts, like we did this year. Maybe we will write some new songs as well so that our next album won’t take another 5 years to be released.

Redstar73 Blog: Give us your Top 5 Oi! & Punk Songs
One Step Ahead: Oh, that’s really difficult… we listen to quite different music but we were able to agree on these five songs:

Blitz – Razors In The Night
Arkada Social – En la oscuridad
Non Servium – A.C.A.B.
Versaute Stiefkinder – Schlag zurück
Guerilla – The Streets are ours

Redstar73 Blog: Last words
One Step Ahead: We wanna thank you for presenting our band and wish you continuous success with your label and your online shop.



Harmònica fira del disc Independent – 18 de juny de 2016

La Fira del Disc Independent és més que una fira de discs i discogràfiques. Pretén ser un espai de trobada d’editors, discogràfiques, músics i públic. Un espai de relació per aquella gent amant de la música fora del circuit comercial. Un espai des d’on impulsar i promoure aquelles idees creatives que busquen noves maneres de fer, anant més enllà del producte musical. Un espai que ens permeti compartir projectes musicals i discogràfics. Un espai on fer visible que dintre de la música un altre món es possible. Un espai on gaudirem de la música compartint-la amb qui la crea.

Aquesta fira no entén la música només com un negoci! Calen maneres de fer diferents, més properes i amb un millor tracte amb els músics. La fira serà a l’Ateneu L’Harmonia, un espai situat dins del recinte fabril de la Fabra i Coats, a Sant Andreu de Palomar, el dia 18 de juny de 2016, sent el dissabte més proper al dia de la música.

La Fira del Disc Independent anirà acompanyada de la mostra de 30 segells i publicacions discogràfiques. Un espai d’exposició i de venda de disc i cd’s. El contacte entre el públic i editors, sense intermediaris, permet parlar cara a cara, plantejar dubtes i conèixer les persones que treballen darrera de cada projecte discogràfic. També serà un espai de relació entre músics i discogràfiques, on intercanviar projectes, idees, propostes, etc…

Durant la Fira del Disc Independent podrem gaudir de més de 12 actuacions en directe per poder disfrutar dels diferents estils de música representant així el màxim d’opcions dins de la música independent actual.

Magnus Luna
Grup del segell del Taller de Músics.

Lo Petit Comitè
Grup del segell Kasbamusic

Grup del segell Maus Booking Star

Abdominable Gallina Nauseabunda
Grup del segell No Me’n Records

Grup del segell Kasbamusic

Grup del segell Dronetool

Grup del segell Maus Booking Atar

El Sistema Suec
Grup del segell El Mamut Traçut

The Defense
Grup del segell Cruzade Records

Grup del segell El Forat Records

Gru del segell El Forat Records

Disaster Jacks
Grup del segell Picnic Records

Barrel Aged



Divendres 12/02: SYNDROME 81 / SEWER BRIGADE / REVENJA – Barcelona

Aquest divendres 12, de 19:00 a 22:00

SYNDROME 81 (Punk rock / Oi! Brest)

SEWER BRIGADE (Streetpunk Barcelona, presentant LP)

REVENJA (Punk / Oi! Barcelona)

CSOA Transformadors
C/ Ausias Marc 60
L1 Arc de Triomf
L2 Tetuan
